Toivonen, N., & de Francisco Vela, S. (2024). Exploring the dimensions of participation in legal design. In: Ducato, R; Strowel, A; and Marique, E. (eds) Design(s) for Law. Zendono.
de Francisco Vela, S., & Guzman-Abello, L. (2024). Systemic design of justice: transdisciplinary approach to access to justice. In: Ducato, R; Strowel, A; and Marique, E. (eds) Design(s) for Law. Zendono.
de Francisco Vela, S., Padilla Casas, C., Polanía, A. (2024). Entutela 2.0: Enhancing Legal User Experiences Through Understanding the Narrative of Facts and Claims. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D., Fernandes-Marcos, A. (eds) Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication IV. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 33. Springer, Cham.
Samper L, De Francisco, S. (2023) Des ( · ) Teta: Healing ritual for women in the process of breast implant removal. ServDes.2023 Entanglements & Flows Conference: Service Encounters and Meanings Proceedings, 11-14th July 2023, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings (ISSN 1650-3686) Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Padilla Casas, C., de Francisco Vela, S. (2023). Entutela. A Digital Tool to Facilitate the Drafting and Creation of Tutelas in Colombia. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication III. DIGICOM 2022. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 27. Springer, Cham.
Polanía, A., de Francisco Vela, S. (2023). Designing Interfaces for Legal Artifacts. Using Storytelling to Enhance Digital Legal Experiences. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication III. DIGICOM 2022. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 27. Springer, Cham.
Feghali Vargas N., Padilla Casas C., Vanegas Herrera L.V., Guzman-Abello L., de Francisco Vela S. (2022) Designing Legal Interfaces: Transforming the Digital Services of a Legal Aid Clinic. In: Martins N., Brandão D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication II. DIGICOM 2021. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 19. Springer, Cham.
De Francisco Vela, S., Guzman-Abello, L.,and Pardo Rodríguez, S. (2021) Design for justice lab: Interdisciplinarity in times of virtual education, in Bohemia, E., Nielsen, L.M., Pan, L., Börekçi, N.A.G.Z., Zhang, Y. (eds.), Learn X Design 2021: Engaging with challenges in design education, 24-26 September, Shandong University of Art & Design, Jinan, China.
De Francisco Vela, S., Guzmán-Abello, L., Pardo Rodríguez, S., Vanegas Herrera, L, V., Feghali Vargas, N., & Padilla Casas, C. (2021, October 6-9). Access To Justice Design Lab: Bringing Solutions To Justice And Breaking Barriers Through Transdisciplinarity. [Conference presentation abstract]. 4S Annual Meeting, Good Relations: Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds, 070. Disciplinary Translations in Science and Society - II, Toronto, Canada.
De Francisco Vela, S., Guzmán-Abello, L., Pardo Rodríguez, S., Vanegas Herrera, L, V., Feghali Vargas, N., & Padilla Casas, C. (2021, October 6-9). Access To Justice Design Lab: Bringing Solutions To Justice And Breaking Barriers Through Transdisciplinarity. [Conference presentation abstract]. 4S Annual Meeting, Good Relations: Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds, 070. Disciplinary Translations in Science and Society - II, Toronto, Canada.
Casais, M. & De Francisco Vela, S. (2020). Different types of design tools in design education. In Martins, N. & Brandão, D. (Eds.). Atas dos artigos português e espanhol da 4ª Conferência Internacional de Design e Comunicação Digital, Digicom 2020 (p. 339-412). ISBN: 978-989-54939-2-0. Barcelos: IPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave.
De Francisco Vela, S and Ayala-Garcia, C (2020). ‘Émotions à la carte: Exploring emotional paradoxes through edible DIY-Materials for product design’, International Journal of Food Design, 4:2, pp. 139–153.
Desmet, P. M. A., & de Francisco Vela , S. (2020). Mood Regulation as a Design Topic: Interview with Pieter Desmet. Diseña, (17), 28-45.
Jacob-Dazarola, R., de Francisco Vela, S., & Rognoli, V. (2020). Affective-Driven Design: Emotions, Moods and Experiences as Catalysts for Socially Meaningful Design. Diseña, (17), 14-25.
Henríquez Martínez, A., & De Francisco Vela, S. (2020). Essentials for wellbeing: Expanding the symbolic value of healthcare design. In Christer K. Craig C. and Chamberlain P., eds. 2020. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam NL, 1-3 July 2020. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University: pp 370-383
Navarro-Sanint, M., De Francisco Vela, S., Rodíguez Pinto, L. L., Ramírez Díaz, C., Castellanos Ramírez, M. B., & Curiel Lozano, M. C. (2020). Nacimiento. Reflexiones sobre el uso del agua (1st ed.). Ediciones Uniandes.
De Francisco Vela, S., Navarro-Sanint, M., Castellanos Ramírez, M. B., Rodríguez Pinto, L. L., & Ramírez Díaz, C. (2020). Bio-currencies: an alternative to Payments for Environmental Services (PES). Dearq, (26), 60-69.
Carrillo, S., Robles, D., Beltrán, A., & Ingram, G., Gómez, Y., Barón, M. P., De Francisco, S. (2020). Colombian children think about gratitude: Positive competences in the school context. Oral presentation. International Congress of Psychology. Praga, July 23-28.
De Francisco, S & Mazo, D. (2019). Towards an interdisciplinary knowledge exchange model. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management , 2(1), 1569–1606.
De Francisco Vela, S., Navarro-Sanint, M., Rodíguez Pinto, L. L., Ramírez Díaz, C., Castellanos Ramírez, M. B., & Curiel Lozano, M. C. (2019). Cosecha: El poder de la asociatividad (1st ed.). Ediciones Uniandes.
Henríquez Martínez, A., & De Francisco Vela, S. (2019). Homeostasis sanatoris. A meaningfulness-driven product that stimulates physiological healing processes., The Design Journal, 22:sup1, 615-626.
Ramírez, C,. Rodríguez, L., De Francisco, S. y Navarro-Sanint, M. (2018). Cosecha: juego de mesa que promueve dinámicas asociativas. En Intersecciones 2018. Simposio llevado a cabo en III Congreso interdisciplinario de investigación en Arquitectura, Diseño, Ciudad y Territorio, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Ramírez, C,. Rodríguez, L., De Francisco, S. y Navarro-Sanint, M. (2018). Nacimiento: dinámica de juego reflexivo alrededor del conflicto del agua. En Intersecciones 2018. Simposio llevado a cabo en III Congreso interdisciplinario de investigación en Arquitectura, Diseño, Ciudad y Territorio, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
De Francisco Vela, S., & Casais, M. (2018). Billy Cash: Alcancía digital para promover comportamientos de ahorro con significado. RChD: creación y pensamiento.
De Francisco Vela, S. (2017). Co-creating finances. A new perspective on designing for the financial world. The Design Journal, 20(sup1), S444-S456.
De Francisco Vela, S. (2014). The Meaningfulness of Saving Money: A web enabled money saving product-service that improves people's saving experience by enhancing their motivations.
De Francisco Vela, S., Desmet, P. M. A., & Casais, M. (2014). Feeding your piggy bank with intentions: A study on saving behaviour, saving strategies, and happiness. In Proceedings of the colors of care: The 9th International Conference on Design and Emotion, 6-7 October 2014, Bogota, Colombia. Ediciones Uniandes.
Web articles (in spanish)
De Francisco Vela, S., & Latorre, A. (2021, August). Entre la ciencia y la experiencia: 5 mitos sobre la creatividad que pueden cambiar tu proceso de diseño. Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño | Uniandes.
De Francisco Vela, S., & Latorre, A. (2020, November). Dime Que haces Y te dire quien eres: Investigación Cuantitativa (#) vs. Cualitativa (¿?). Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño | Uniandes.
De Francisco Vela, S., & Latorre, A. (2020, September). Una fábula de diseño al estilo la liebre Y la tortuga ¿Investigación de Usuario o design sprint? Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño | Uniandes.
De Francisco Vela, S., & Latorre, A. (2020, July). Top 10 design toolkits: ¿Que son Y para Que podemos utilizarlos? Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño | Uniandes.